GALLERY Inter tour F5J included in Europeancup where there were competitors from all over the worldF5J International Races – 231 entrants-149 powered by RedFox-PG23Counter current 800 WCounter current 30WCounter current 7,5 kWCounter run for F3A models weighing up to 5 kgCountercurrent 1-1.3 kW | acrobat 2.5 kgCountercurrent 2–3 kW | for category F3ACounterflow F3A 2-3 kW biplanePLANETARY GEARBOXESSo that’s Zdeněk Frydrýn from K. Varů and our oppositeTapio Likasal from Finland – PG 23 – 6,5 : 1, F1Q